Want to impress your little toddler at home with his or her stocking goodies? Hazel Baby & Kids has got you covered with our favorite picks in store.
Those toddlers are learning just how fun and exciting the holidays truly are. Wait for someone else to open a gift? Yea right! These kids want to break through that wrapping paper and dig through that stocking right away. Hazel Baby & Kids has great ideas to invigorate the toddler stockings this year:
BlaBla Finger Puppets: Small in size but huge in imaginative play. These soft toys can provide endless play at home.
Eat Sleep Doodle Pencil Case: For the artists in the making out there, this awesome case is where creativity and artistic creation meets art supply organization.
Mrs. Grossman Sticker and Activity Books: Collect and trade these adorable stickers and encourage imaginative play with the activity books that fit so easily in a standard stocking.
Eco Kids Eco Crayons Sea Rocks: Made from bees wax, carnuba wax, soy wax and natural mineral pigments, these crayons give our kids a natural approach to delivering creativity at home. And they look super cool too!
Fubbles Bubbles Wand: Talk about easy to fit in a stocking, and therefore easy to keep in your bag for a smile emergency! These bubble wands are a hit and so portable.
Plan Toys First Camera: Toddlers love to imitate adults and us adults will certainly be taking tons of photos this holiday season. Get your little ones in on it with this adorable first camera kaleidoscope that provides different views at every look.
Come visit Hazel Baby & Kids for great holiday gifts. If you missed it, check out our list of favorites for infant stocking stuffers too. We’ll be revealing more gift ideas throughout the month.