Tiny Twig

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Heard of the adage – ‘Tell, don’t sell’? Telling our real stories to each other is how humans connect. And how we pour ourselves into our children, and also how our ancestors still belong in our lives. Stories are important. One thing though, stories also change. Back in 2009, Tiny Twig too started with a story, and we share it below. But has the 2009 story ended? Absolutely not. It has transformed, adding bits to itself here and there, and discarding irrelevant, outgrown parts, in learning how to be a responsible earth citizen. As Tiny Twig’s ecological and sustainable journey continues, some protagonists and other key players have changed, all in a good way, but we keep our earth-first and babies-first vision intact. Tiny Twig offers a certified, and the greenest option for baby clothing, and while we do more, grow more, and sell more, we promise to tell you more. Happy listening!