Hazel Baby & Kids - 24 / Oct / 2021

Don't Forget about The Teal Pumpkin Project for Halloween!

Don't Forget about The Teal Pumpkin Project for Halloween!

Help us make Halloween inclusive and safe for everyone!

Halloween can be a very tricky time for children living with food allergies and their parents. There is excitement in schools, daycares, and neighborhoods. The stoops throughout Jersey City & Hoboken are so fun to look at! Everyone looks forward to dressing up and trick-or-treating. But how can you be safe when you might have an allergic reaction to a piece of candy containing an allergen? Or even come in contact with a surface in which that allergen touched?


This is a worry that is near and dear to our hearts at Hazel Baby & Kids. Donovan & Elizabeth's son, Landon, was diagnosed with food allergies at 6 months old. He's got 8 of the top 10 food allergies - including peanuts, and dairy. Since the diagnosis, their family and our entire team's eyes have been opened to just how many parts of our lives revolve around what everyone else is eating. 


“The number of children with food allergies has risen dramatically over the past 20 years, " according to FARE President & Chief Executive Officer Lisa Gable. FARE is the world's largest non-governmental organization engaged in food allergy advocacy and research. It is estimated now that 1 in 13 children have diagnosed food allergies.


The Teal Pumpkin Project started in a community in Tennessee, and FARE has helped it gain national traction. The organization offers tons of information on their website including activity coloring pages, treat ideas, and safe trick-or-treating tips.


But there's still a long way to go! We're hoping raise awareness and participation in our little corner of New Jersey.


So, how can you participate?


  1. Provide non-food treats for trick-or-treaters. 

  2. Place a teal pumpkin in front of your home to indicate to passersby that you have non-food treats available.

  3. Spread the word! Share the Teal Pumpkin Project with your friends and family.


This year, you can even add your home to the official interactive map! We can't wait to see Jersey City and Hoboken light up with participation!


Looking for ideas for non-food treats? Here's our list of favorites!


Photo credit: Cory Cehler via Instagram.

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