Lindsay Donnelly - 08 / Nov / 2017

Smartphone Apps Every Mom Needs

Smartphone Apps Every Mom Needs

Check out this list of smartphone apps that are perfect for the modern-day parent.

Being a new parent means juggling a lot of responsibilities, and adjusting to the 'new normal' of life. But one of the best things about being today's modern mother, is that there are all kinds of new technologies out there that can help us out. There are cleaning systems for pump parts, meet-up groups for finding new friends and playdates, even sippy cups that never spill!

I've found, though, that my favorite parenting 'hacks' are available right on my iPhone. You're probably holding yours right now! How convenient! Since I became a mom two years ago, there have been four smartphone apps that really stand out as game changers for me. So tonight I'm sharing my list of apps that every mom can benefit from!

peanut app

1. Peanut - Dubbed in the media as “Tinder for Moms”, Peanut connects moms to other moms for the sole purpose of friendship. You can swipe up or down to ‘wave’ at other moms in your area based on their Facebook photo, age of her children, and interests. When you’re feeling lonely in a late night BF-session, instead of sadly scrolling the Instagram photos of your single friends out on the town, tap open Peanut to find other mamas who "get" your life! I have personally made life-long friends from using this app over the last year.

calm app

Calm - Getting a good night’s rest can become a thing of the past when you have kids. With Calm, you can capitalize on any momentary downtime with guided meditation, or help get to sleep faster with soothing sleep stories. The sleep stories are like bedtime stories for adults, and you’ll find yourself dozing off before the recording even ends. BONUS: They have kids stories, too! So if your child is a little older, these are great for helping them get to sleep easily. My toddler even loves them at age two. Honestly, this app is the app I use the MOST out of any other besides my email and social media. Try the free version first, and if you love it, go for the paid subscription. After all, how many times have you said, “What I would pay for a good night’s sleep!”

Hello Chime App

Chime -  Finding a babysitter you trust and with the availability you need can be super difficult. In the past, sites like have filled that need - but today’s uber-intelligent moms want easier access and zero subscription fees. That’s where Chime comes in. You can build a bench of babysitters and view their availability all from a simple app. Book with them and there's no more running to the ATM for cash, you pay directly through the app! Jersey City going rate is $15/hr for 1 kid and the sitters are fully background checked through SitterCity. The sitters are mostly teachers on their free time, and college students who like the ease of making their own schedule. Get $25 credit on your first sitting in NYC, Hoboken, or Jersey City when you click through this link to sign up!

Fisher Price See N Say app

Fisher Price See n’ Say - Okay, so, sticking our toddlers in front of a tablet might be frowned upon by some - and I am certainly not here to judge one way or the other. However, I can totally relate to feeling like I just need something to entertain and I do let my daughter watch or use 'screens' from time to time. When the restaurant is packed, you’re an hour past nap time, and the waiter doesn’t get it... look to this app for engaging content for your little one. Fisher Price See n’ Say is just $1.99 and can help your baby recognize animals, colors, sounds, and words. The content is not just video, so he or she will have to interact with the screen, making it more of a learning experience. Professionals in early childhood development recommend finding apps that have interactive elements. Great for up to age 3. PRO TIP: to lock your iPhone on any app, so that your child doesn't end up sending random text messages or taking selfies with the floor: Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access and triple-click the home button to turn off/on.


All four of these apps have been great for helping adjust to my life as a mother. Technology can be such a blessing when it makes you feel more connected to others, and simplifies our lives. What apps are you using these days?


About the author: Lindsay Donnelly is a first-time-mom and new resident of Jersey City experiencing life with her toddler, Lolli. She’s a former NYC fashion stylist and graduate of Univ. of Florida Journalism school. Follow them around town on Instagram: @Lawadelton and #Lolligramz

Author Lindsay Donnelly


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