Hazel Baby & Kids - 21 / Dec / 2018

Holiday Traditions, New and Old

Holiday Traditions, New and Old

The holidays are a time of family tradition and creating our own, new traditions too. We asked local families to share holiday traditions they practice at home.

The holidays are a time when we often take strolls down memory lane and try our best to recreate our childhood memories with our own little ones.  We asked many young families in Jersey City to share some of their own childhood holiday traditions they are keeping strong today, and some new approaches they are starting with their little ones locally. We hope these ideas inspire new traditions in your homes too.


Shauna, 41: Gingerbread Houses

“We have a great group of neighbors who all have kids in the same age range. We started our own tradition a few years ago where we have a gingerbread house making afternoon.  Someone makes the ginger bread from scratch, the other makes the frosting, and someone else hosts.  It’s a huge hit with the kids, a total mom team moment, and something we look forward to for years to come.”


Alyssa, 36: The Christmas House

“In the town I grew up in, one of our neighbors put up the biggest, most extravagant Christmas display there was.  Life size decorations, music, tons of lights, and cars parked for miles, people would drive from all over the area to walk through the driveway and grab a candy cane.  While the house no longer deems itself ‘The Christmas House,’ the family donated its décor to the town who puts up the display for the public elsewhere.  We do our best to pay a visit with our little one every year too.”


Lauren, 32: Matching Pajamas

“Christmas pajamas.  It has become a thing for us now that we have a child. I never thought I’d be that family with matching PJs, but I simply can’t resist.”


Rachel, 34: Giving Back

“Now that my husband and I celebrate different holidays and our son has a lot going on in December, we are starting a new tradition of giving back. There’s no need for him to receive the amount of presents both holidays can bring. We’d like to dedicate one day during the holidays to volunteer and to donate toys we no longer use.”


Let us know what traditions you’re embarking on at home too!

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