Hazel Baby & Kids - 01 / Nov / 2018

Bring on the Baby Bookworms

Bring on the Baby Bookworms

November is National Family Literacy month and we're urging all our Jersey City families to read together. Share with us some of your favorite books too!

Today is National Family Literacy Day, kicking off a month-long celebration of reading. We know books are one of the best gifts you can give a kid – it inspires learning, education, creativity and if you’re living in a JC apartment, it takes up no space!  But an even better gift is the time you spend with your kids reading books to them. 

Take a look at some of our favorite books from Hazel Baby & Kids:

  • The “Good Night” book series is a great way to show your children different locations across the country and what makes states like New Jersey so fun and unique. Check out the beach and Atlantic City in Good Night New Jersey.
  • Have a budding scientist on your hands? Women in Science highlights 50 trailblazers in science, technology and engineering. What a great way to show your little one the people who make an impact on the way we live every day.
  • Even if you have a brand new addition to your family, a stroller book goes a long way in learning shapes, and common objects. We love the Petit Collage stroller books!


Whether you read the same book you read every night with your little one, or dust an old one off the shelves, take the time to read together today.  Share with us some of your favorite stories too!

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