Jen Belcher - 09 / Mar / 2020

All Natural Toy Cleaners

All Natural Toy Cleaners

Parents always need options for cleaning and sanitizing toys, books, stuffed animals, and other items. Luckily, there are many options which provide non-toxic and safer ways to clean these items.

All Natural Toy Cleaners

Any parent or caregiver knows that even the most beautiful and durable toys can quickly become dirty and grimy. No matter the quality of a toy, the surfaces are no match for mouths, hands, and floors. While a normal amount of wear and tear are perfectly acceptable, parents always need options for cleaning and sanitizing toys, books, stuffed animals, and other items. Luckily, there are many options which provide non-toxic and safer ways to clean these items. 



The great thing about the toys and products at Hazel Baby, is many can be placed in the dishwasher for cleaning. Check the toy’s packaging or online information to make sure that the products are dishwasher safe. You may choose to wash your products with your normal detergent or with a natural dishwashing detergent such as one of these.  There are also great benefits in simply running a hot water cycle with plain water. If the parts are too small to fit in the machine, you can use a special container for dishwashers or even a lingerie bag. 


Boil your Toys

Similar to running a high temperature cycle using your dishwasher, boiling your toys can be another clean and organic way to disinfect your child’s items. Again, check the product information to make sure the toy can withstand a high level of heat. It is important to note that you should not add vinegar to these high temperatures as it increases the acidity. 


Washing Machines

For plush toys which may not be ideal for the dishwasher, simply tossing them into a washing machine can get the job done! Just as with the dishwasher, you can choose whether or not to use a detergent or hot water with vinegar.


Make Your Own Cleaner

One of our favorite ways of cleaning toys and items organically is to make your own cleaner. Vinegar has incredible cleaning power because it is so acidic. Try mixing vinegar with water and lavender oil to create a cleaning spray. Baking soda can also be used to make a paste and has great cleaning properties. We love the cleaning recipes on this blog. 

Additionally, Tips Bulletin has 7 recipes for homemade disinfectant spray and hand sanitizer.  Check out this link for homemade disinfectant spray, natural floor cleaning disinfectant, DIY disinfectant spray, homemade disinfectant for countertops, natural disinfectant for granite, DIY natural disinfectant spray and homemade disinfectant wipes.

It is important to note that vinegar and baking soda do not kill serious germs and bacteria. For you guide to the pros and cons of cleaning agents, click here


Commercial Organic Cleaners

The market is increasingly making way for organic cleaning products. One quick Google search will yield many great results of brands that are beginning to become household names. Although these products have become trendier, it is important to do your research as there are still some concerns about these products. “Natural” cleaners are not necessarily free of toxins and some of the government testing on these products is not as diligent as you think it is. 


If you are interested in learning more about more natural commercial cleaners, here is a list of the most popular ones:



There is so much information out there that sometimes caregivers struggle to determine what is best for their family. At the end of the day, if you do your research and approach your decisions with knowledge and love, you will make the right decision for you and your loved ones. Luckily, there are many ways from hot water, to homemade, to more natural commercial products that you can utilize to make sure your child’s toys are clean and safe for play!


Jennifer Belcher has been in education for over 12 years teaching in public, private, and international schools both domestic and abroad. She now focuses her expertise on her own business doing writing, social media, and communications work for child/education centered businesses here in Jersey City. 

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